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In this webinar I groomed three of my favorite clients:  A Doodle named Oliver, a Schnauzer named Daisy, and a Maltese mix named Lois. We had 20 people attend in person and over 100 register for online. 

Purchasing this gives you access to the recording of the webinar for life. Once purchased, you will receive a link to download the webinar pamphlet which contains the recording link, link to my next webinar sign up, links to my favorite products, my price list, and more! Just a note: The link to download the pamphlet from the email you will recieve works for 30 days, but once downloaded the link to view the webinar is inside the pamphlet and is good forever, so don't worry if you see wording about 30 days, you will have the recording link forever.

Zoom Groom Anna Feb25th 2023 Webinar

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